The educational work of the department is aimed at developing foreign students' sense of tolerance and internationalism, ideas of humanism, respect for the history and culture of Ukraine

Excursion for foreign students: Sharivka, Singing terraces

Student concert "Planet of KHNAHU", dedicated to the International Student Day

Neither the cold outside nor the late hour could stop foreign students from preparing for rehearsals for the concert "Planet of KHNAHU", dedicated to the International Student Day. This traditional event was organized and held at the Faculty of Training of Foreign Citizens on the eve of the holiday - November 15, 2019 

Excursion to Feldman Ecopark on October 19, 2019

Tour to Western Ukraine in May 2019

Planet of KHNAHU

In mid-November 2018, a significant event took place in the lives of our foreign freshmen - they celebrated their first Student Day. The gift for this holiday was the annual concert "Planet of KhNADU", which was prepared by students together with their teachers-curators of the Department of Language Training

This is how our rehearsals usually go

Tour to Western Ukraine, 2017

Victory in the dance battle on February 28, 2020

Ice skating in the entertainment complex "Chateau Ledo" on February 15, 2020

At the decisive football match between Shakhtar and Atalanta on December 11, 2019

Excursion to the Scientific-demonstration educational center "LandauCenter"

On November 1, 2019, an excursion to the "LandauCenter" was organized by teachers of the Department of Language Training for foreign students of automotive and mechanical faculties.

Visit to the Kharkiv National Academic Opera and Ballet Theater named after M.V. Lysenko

On April 3, 2019, the staff of the Department of Language Training organized a wonderful and unforgettable holiday for foreign students from Morocco, Vietnam and China - a visit to the unsurpassed ballet "One Thousand and One Nights"

Photo gallery

Excursion to the cities of Ukraine

Acquaintance of foreigners with the history and traditions of the Ukrainian people

A Trip to Poltava